Okej let's go Svenska!

Två månader har gått och jag måste öva upp min svenska litte.
Igår när Mikaela(svensk) och alla andra utbytesstudenter+amerikaner var här märkte jag att det var lite klurigt att prata.
Första gången i mitt liv kändes det enklare att snacka engelska och vill inte prata svenska längre^^ Konstig känsla men antar att den kmr komma fler gånger under året.
Men igår kväll var kul :D Manikyr,pedikyr och ansiktsmasker. Otroligt vackert.
Men det var skoj :)
Sen att vissa lyckades få igång en stor diskution om gud och abort är ju en annan historia ;P

Halloween nästa vecka, yeeay plus halvdag på fredag woho ^^
Jag trivs i denna familj , vill verkligen inte byta om det skulle komma på fråga. Nej, jag trivs super :)

Inte med allt såkalrt men inte familj är perfekt så.

*oh happy day*

Sitting here waiting for Jenny to come take us to school. I feel like and American teenager.
Been sick for two days so got a loot to catch up on and tonight I have my first concert which of course is going to be fun but I also have two study to 3 tests. Not as fun. But I'm gonna make it !    I hope.

I forgot to write about the previous weekend! Friday the whole family went to Crossroads village. Okey not Ashlee but the rest of us.

That is a village where you can go Trick or Treating, take the ghost train, look att the opera which isn't really and opera it's more like a "magic show" . It was a lot of fun and we got so much candy and funny pictures :D So cosy and fun.

Saturday we went to the craftshow in Davison where everything is handmade, there was a lot of things there. I bought a wax candle that smell like lemon. Then we all went to Starbucks :D Me <3 Starbucks 4-ever :D

Then we got home ate some lunch/dinner and now me,jenny,heather and nadine went shopping and then to Josh's house to play video- and boardgames with him and som friends. Once again I felt American with pepperoni pizza, mountain dew(pop/soda) and video games and board games. It was a lot of fun :)

Then sunday we went to take senior pictures for ashlee and heather, and a little pictures of me and Nadine.

Pretty slow so not that much fun. Theeeen we went to a chinese buffé :D But it gave me food poisoning :( Hurted so bad and I got 39 celsius fever :'( But feels better now :D

Have to go to school now byeee


So I'm sitting here by the kitchen table and we have this bowl with potpurri on it. aand Ian comes and look in the bowl curious what it is and tastes it. So he asks what it is because it tastes a little bitter? -Rhea what is this thing? it tastes weird!
- Ian it's potpurri...
-Whaaat I just ate potpurri!

Yeah that's cool.  Americans are not smart ^^ But what can you do, they have to live up to their reputation ;)
I've been here two months and a lot of proof of that americans are stupid(some) no wonder europeans have the view on americans that we do! haha

Dude where's my glasses?

Came home from Rhea's best friends house now after a really good dinner. Her husband had hunted deers that they fried along with some other stuff. Sooo good!

It's so great in gym because I get to try new sports all the time! And today we played something I forgot the name of. Pretty similar to Brännboll but inside. Anyways so I asked this guy about the rules and he was very nice and explained and showed and everything. So we continue talking and it turns out that he had a Swedish f.e.s that I met just before I got here named Linn. So he was her hostbrother! When he told me that it just clicked and I rememberd her talking about an Andrew but I had No idea what so ever that it was him ^^

Hardly any homework today guess if someone was happy ? :D

njääh I don't know what to write. bajbaj

Djurgår'n <3

Yesterday me and Nadine went to our first away game that was in Holly where another swedish girl named Mikaela lives and a German girl named Lena. Our school was taking a bus there so we could go with them perfect!
And for once I acutally enjoyed a football game. It was fun meeting them again and see Holly high school :)
AND get this, Kearsley actually won! 20-7. That's something you don't see everyday ;D
Awsome :)

Tonight I'm gonna make "swedish cinnamon rolls" what's so swedish about them I don't know, maybe the amount of sugar? ^^
I hope they will be good.
Home alone with padre y madre tonight.
Heather is up-north with her best friend. I miss her! Gaaah it's gonna be even worse when I go back to the Sweden. But it's a while till then so I don't have to think about that now ;)

One thing I miss sickely much about Sweden is to go to all the DIF hockey games! Everything about it.
Guess I'm gonna watch extra much when I come home and hopefully a Detroit red wings game when I'm here!

School is cool, better than Swedish school and much bigger!

I thougt that the whole school had 1200 students but I asked Rhea today and she said 4000!!! That's crazy! I mean I knew it was a lot of students, but that many? oh my goodness

One grade is like 1200 ^^

 I love music babay

Grandpa and his three gal's

Homecoming dance yesterday :D
First, pictures of us all
Nadine, Ian, Ashlee and I      We're so cool ;)
Me and Nadine                            Pimpi'n it up Ian
Gorgeous                                        Me and Nadine

Then we went to eat dinner at Applebee's and icecream at Dairy Queen.
And finally time for the grand finale. The dance.
It was a lot of fun and you know those dances when everyone makes the same moves? well it was a few of those songs and it was sooo much fun! I loved it .
It was a fun night and we all were so tired when we got home.
I don't know what else to write but yeah that was pretty much it :)

Homecoming = Coming home?

Finally back to school after three days gone you would think that I had fallen back a lot but actually not.
Or I probably would've if I weren't in school to get work two days ago but anywho,  had two tests today and they went hopefully good. Psychology and English.

This week it's Homecoming week, which means that it's different themes to dress out to every day. First day was hat day.

Tomorrow it's Blue and Gold day since the school colors is Blue and gold ;)

It's also a BIG home-game (football) with a lot of extra stuff. And a big parade , don't really know what it is but will see tomorrow.

Aand the big thing on saturday, Homecoming dance! It's gonna be so much fun.

The day starts with an early hair appointment for me , nadine and ashlee then we're going home again put on dresses and make-up and out to some place to take pictures of us in our beautiful dresses.
After that we go to dinner we teens and directly to the dance after that.
I'm so excited :D

Now the same year Hulda is in Oregon and my "sister" Madelene is in Spain.
How cool is that that we're all going at the same time! Awsome dude :)
I believe that we're all gonna make it wonderfully specially with God on our side =)

In three weeks we have our first choir concert soo cool!! I've never done one of those before so that's gonna be very intressting.

Hasta luego!

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