Today is Friday and I've made my first week in Kearsley High School (KHS)
I've done a lot of things, started swimming, quit swimming, had 6 classes , changed my schedule and gotten to know new people.
The classes I had till today ( in order) was:
Spanish 2
World History
U.S history

But now I have (order):
World history
U.S history

Get that! We get grades out of singing and acting! awsome dude!
Of course it is some homework but hopefully not that hard.

High School is So different from Swedish schools!
School starts 07.35 . I'm not happy 06.00 a.m when I have to go up...
And ends 14.15.
It probably sounds like Wow short days! But I mean, Swedish school days would probably be as short if it wasen't as long lessons and breaks all the time.
We have five minutes to walk between every class.
It was hard to find everywhere you we're supposed to go the first days. But today I made it without a map *proud*
It's a big school and 1600 students that wanna go to their own class, so it's pretty crowded.

Spanish isn't a hard language, but when you're used to learn it Swedish-Spanish and then learn it english-spanish.
It gets more english-swedish-spanish and that was to frustrating so I took it away.

World history, well it's Very intresting and I'm gonna learn a lot and the teacher is great and really likes having an F.E.S in his class.
But, yesterdat was the first day with actual work and oh my goodness it went fast! We were supposed to write of the power point and learn, and listen  and learn. At the same time! that was so hard.
So I asked him today if he could take it a little slower, and he had seen that I was frustrated by it all so he gave me a paper with all power points which was Really nice and I appreciated it a lot : )

English, yeah the teacher is a little different but good.
I hope it's gonna be pretty easy.
I have that class with Nadine that lives with us for the moment. She's from Switzerland. I like her : )

U.S history, I have it with freshmens, that is 14-year old kids!
First day I just wanted to get out of there as fast as posible!
But now it's intresting and the teacher is really good and he's also very intrested of me as an f.e.s(Foreign exchange student)

Psychology is gonna be very intresting but now the teacher said that the 2 first chapters gonna be pretty boring but we have to do them. I'm with Nadine in this class to.

Theater, well I was there the last 20 minutes maybe so that's hard to say anything about.

Choir is fun and the teacher is Really good. goodness the tones he can come up in!
It's 48 students in that class, that's a lot !!
But it's fun and I hope I'm gonna learn how to sing ^^

I don't know what else to tell about but if you have questions about something IM me, mail me or add a comment :)

See ya wouldn't wanna be ya! ; )

Postat av: andrea

Hejsan :)

vad roligt att det går bra.

Finns det nåra snygga killar då?:D


2008-09-10 @ 11:31:39
Postat av: Jakob

Hej :P Själv gick jag till kl 10.50 igår och 10.10 idag :D

Men du verkar ju ha det riktigt gött där borta! ...bra de! Hoppas du får en bra tid där och lycka till med studierna!

Hugs Jakob

2008-09-12 @ 13:22:03

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