say what?!
Yeah okey I wasn't on the spot, but I saw it on LIVE TV.
Like probably most of you know, today was the day when the first black president was inaugurated, Also the 44th president of the United States of America.
It was an experience. Barack Obama. He is such a great speaker.
I just hope he will make those changes and that it will improve the world.
I've never really been into politics, just found it boring you know.
But now after this election I find a little more interessting and I know more about economy and politics.
Maybe not enough to have a discussion about it, but you know, much enough.
After several weeks it's been up and down. Should I move or should I stay?
It was the most difficult decision I've ever made.
You know sometimes everything is great! Then it's just , yeah not good.
But I took my desicion and I'm staying.
You don't fail on your family right? :)
I still don't know when I'm coming home to the Swedeland.
But it will be sometime in the end of June/ beginning of July.
I'm gonna stay as long as my VISA allows me.
And my last month here my families f.e.s they had two years ago Elisa from Finland is coming here :)
That's gonna be fun.
And oh my word high school...people are dating eachother and is standing in the hallways making out just to show that someone actually likes them so ha ha on everybody else!
Yepp they're very muture here.
My classes, yeah they are easy. The worst was exams though.
It wasn't hard, just a lot to study for. The whole semester in one test that you have two hours to take.
It started wednesday, the schedule was pretty weird.
1st hr - 1st hr test
3rd hr - 3rd hr review
4th hr - 4th hr review
5th hr - 2nd hr test
Then thursday it was,
1st hr - 3rd hr test
3rd hr - 5th hr review
4th hr - 6th hr review
5th hr - 4th test
And yeah we were suppose to have the other two on the friday and have a halfday.
But believe it or not it was a windchill on -31 celsius so just so the little keds taking the bus wouldn't die of cold the schools were closed.
Sweeeet of course! And we had the monday off because of the Martin Luther King day.
The last tests were today , easy. New semester tomorrow!
My sister Heather is normal Puss hej !
You just have to trust your gutfeeling :), so you did and you made your choice. We wish you a pleasent stay the rest of the time
Hugs and kisses
Mathilda! Va skont att du beslutat dig for att stanna i familjen, hoppas allt kommer losa sig och bli bra. Har du berattat det for Elsa btw?
Vi bad for dig i min ungdomsgrupp, sa om du kande nagra karleksvibbar sa var det fran Gud o Portland, tanker o ber for dig!
Och om my godness! Obama's inauguration va nanting over det normala, helt AMAZING! Hela skolan va in the auditorium o alla var hyperglada. Man fick gashud, helt unbeleiveble!
Ta hand om dig, langtar efter att fa se dig till sommarn! Massa love <3
okej jag vet ju inte riktigt hur läget är nu och så eller vad som har hänt, men du gjorde säkert rätt beslut och allt brukar ändå bli bra tillslut, love u<3