Night fever night fev-eer
So like a week ago or maybe more Nadine got sick passed it on to me I passed it on to Ashlee then I got well again but then both me and Heather get sick again! And it's worse this time :(
And today we all went to the Renessance festival which is outside in the sun. Very good for me and Heather that's sick and we didn't have anything to drink or eat during the whole day. We felt good.
This thing is once a year and it's an old thing thing were you can dress out to back in the days. Cool.
So they have this joust and then we find out that it is a movie recording! And, one of the guys was Matthew Lillard ( the guy that plays Shaggy in Scooby doo) !! I recognized him and everyone was like "Who are you talking about?" but then when he rises they see who it is! After a while he collected money for a cancer thing and let people take pictures with him so yes, me and heather took a picture with him :D So cool!
Yesterday we went to anther F.E.S from Finland named Essi. they had something called Tupperwear party.
First we teens went up to Essi's room and talked theen we went down to eat and I do not know what happend to Heather and me but just laughed at everything and Don was there to make it all even more fun! It was crazy fun ^^
That's one thing that feels so good about living here, me and Heather have such a good relationship and we connected so fast and now we have so much fun together like all the time and can hardly stop talking when we're supposed to sleep :D
Going to sleep now and Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
Puss och kram Sverige ses om 8 ½ månad :)
And today we all went to the Renessance festival which is outside in the sun. Very good for me and Heather that's sick and we didn't have anything to drink or eat during the whole day. We felt good.
This thing is once a year and it's an old thing thing were you can dress out to back in the days. Cool.
So they have this joust and then we find out that it is a movie recording! And, one of the guys was Matthew Lillard ( the guy that plays Shaggy in Scooby doo) !! I recognized him and everyone was like "Who are you talking about?" but then when he rises they see who it is! After a while he collected money for a cancer thing and let people take pictures with him so yes, me and heather took a picture with him :D So cool!
Yesterday we went to anther F.E.S from Finland named Essi. they had something called Tupperwear party.
First we teens went up to Essi's room and talked theen we went down to eat and I do not know what happend to Heather and me but just laughed at everything and Don was there to make it all even more fun! It was crazy fun ^^
That's one thing that feels so good about living here, me and Heather have such a good relationship and we connected so fast and now we have so much fun together like all the time and can hardly stop talking when we're supposed to sleep :D
Going to sleep now and Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
Puss och kram Sverige ses om 8 ½ månad :)
Make sence?
That's a line you hear during the whole English class with Mr Adas. Freakin' enoying!
This saturday we went to the biggest mall around. Great lakes something. They even have H&M! But not as good as the original ;)
I bought shoes for homecoming,sweatshirt and jeans. Everything on half price! :D 20$ for a pair of jeans. That's like 120kr. Cheap dude!
Yesterday (sunday) it was some kind of STS meating.
The rules were boring cause I new it all but it was fun meating the rest of the F.E.S specially the 3 other swedish people :)
In three weeks it's Homecoming! It's like prom but smaller and for the whole High School and not as fancy. But still a big thing you know.
My homecoming dress that I'm borrowing from Ashlee.
It's so cool me and Ashlee have the exact same size so we can borrow clothes from eachother and stuff! And she have a lot of nice clothes I tell ya :)
See you later alligator :)
This saturday we went to the biggest mall around. Great lakes something. They even have H&M! But not as good as the original ;)
I bought shoes for homecoming,sweatshirt and jeans. Everything on half price! :D 20$ for a pair of jeans. That's like 120kr. Cheap dude!
Yesterday (sunday) it was some kind of STS meating.
The rules were boring cause I new it all but it was fun meating the rest of the F.E.S specially the 3 other swedish people :)
In three weeks it's Homecoming! It's like prom but smaller and for the whole High School and not as fancy. But still a big thing you know.

It's so cool me and Ashlee have the exact same size so we can borrow clothes from eachother and stuff! And she have a lot of nice clothes I tell ya :)
See you later alligator :)
Today is Friday and I've made my first week in Kearsley High School (KHS)
I've done a lot of things, started swimming, quit swimming, had 6 classes , changed my schedule and gotten to know new people.
The classes I had till today ( in order) was:
Spanish 2
World History
U.S history
But now I have (order):
World history
U.S history
Get that! We get grades out of singing and acting! awsome dude!
Of course it is some homework but hopefully not that hard.
High School is So different from Swedish schools!
School starts 07.35 . I'm not happy 06.00 a.m when I have to go up...
And ends 14.15.
It probably sounds like Wow short days! But I mean, Swedish school days would probably be as short if it wasen't as long lessons and breaks all the time.
We have five minutes to walk between every class.
It was hard to find everywhere you we're supposed to go the first days. But today I made it without a map *proud*
It's a big school and 1600 students that wanna go to their own class, so it's pretty crowded.
Spanish isn't a hard language, but when you're used to learn it Swedish-Spanish and then learn it english-spanish.
It gets more english-swedish-spanish and that was to frustrating so I took it away.
World history, well it's Very intresting and I'm gonna learn a lot and the teacher is great and really likes having an F.E.S in his class.
But, yesterdat was the first day with actual work and oh my goodness it went fast! We were supposed to write of the power point and learn, and listen and learn. At the same time! that was so hard.
So I asked him today if he could take it a little slower, and he had seen that I was frustrated by it all so he gave me a paper with all power points which was Really nice and I appreciated it a lot : )
English, yeah the teacher is a little different but good.
I hope it's gonna be pretty easy.
I have that class with Nadine that lives with us for the moment. She's from Switzerland. I like her : )
U.S history, I have it with freshmens, that is 14-year old kids!
First day I just wanted to get out of there as fast as posible!
But now it's intresting and the teacher is really good and he's also very intrested of me as an f.e.s(Foreign exchange student)
Psychology is gonna be very intresting but now the teacher said that the 2 first chapters gonna be pretty boring but we have to do them. I'm with Nadine in this class to.
Theater, well I was there the last 20 minutes maybe so that's hard to say anything about.
Choir is fun and the teacher is Really good. goodness the tones he can come up in!
It's 48 students in that class, that's a lot !!
But it's fun and I hope I'm gonna learn how to sing ^^
I don't know what else to tell about but if you have questions about something IM me, mail me or add a comment :)
See ya wouldn't wanna be ya! ; )
I've done a lot of things, started swimming, quit swimming, had 6 classes , changed my schedule and gotten to know new people.
The classes I had till today ( in order) was:
Spanish 2
World History
U.S history
But now I have (order):
World history
U.S history
Get that! We get grades out of singing and acting! awsome dude!
Of course it is some homework but hopefully not that hard.
High School is So different from Swedish schools!
School starts 07.35 . I'm not happy 06.00 a.m when I have to go up...
And ends 14.15.
It probably sounds like Wow short days! But I mean, Swedish school days would probably be as short if it wasen't as long lessons and breaks all the time.
We have five minutes to walk between every class.
It was hard to find everywhere you we're supposed to go the first days. But today I made it without a map *proud*
It's a big school and 1600 students that wanna go to their own class, so it's pretty crowded.
Spanish isn't a hard language, but when you're used to learn it Swedish-Spanish and then learn it english-spanish.
It gets more english-swedish-spanish and that was to frustrating so I took it away.
World history, well it's Very intresting and I'm gonna learn a lot and the teacher is great and really likes having an F.E.S in his class.
But, yesterdat was the first day with actual work and oh my goodness it went fast! We were supposed to write of the power point and learn, and listen and learn. At the same time! that was so hard.
So I asked him today if he could take it a little slower, and he had seen that I was frustrated by it all so he gave me a paper with all power points which was Really nice and I appreciated it a lot : )
English, yeah the teacher is a little different but good.
I hope it's gonna be pretty easy.
I have that class with Nadine that lives with us for the moment. She's from Switzerland. I like her : )
U.S history, I have it with freshmens, that is 14-year old kids!
First day I just wanted to get out of there as fast as posible!
But now it's intresting and the teacher is really good and he's also very intrested of me as an f.e.s(Foreign exchange student)
Psychology is gonna be very intresting but now the teacher said that the 2 first chapters gonna be pretty boring but we have to do them. I'm with Nadine in this class to.
Theater, well I was there the last 20 minutes maybe so that's hard to say anything about.
Choir is fun and the teacher is Really good. goodness the tones he can come up in!
It's 48 students in that class, that's a lot !!
But it's fun and I hope I'm gonna learn how to sing ^^
I don't know what else to tell about but if you have questions about something IM me, mail me or add a comment :)
See ya wouldn't wanna be ya! ; )
*Born in the USA*
Okey maybe not Born here but I do live here! Or atleast for the next 10 months.
I've been here for 2 weeks and 4 days. It's awsome.
My plane arrived in Flint 11 something p.m so we took some pictures with me, Rhea,Don and Heather in them (Ashlee was in the restroom^^)
And then we all took the car home , Yeah it was a funny ride.
We ate and talked and I went to bed around 1, 2 a.m. I was pretty tired. Don't know why though?
Friday morning and Rhea comes and wake me up, we're going to Frankenmuth!
A German town maybe an hour from here.
We ate my first american lunch, played put-put (minigolf) walked around in different stores.
I had heard that Ashlee Loves blond, blueeyed boys so of course I had to show her a picture when we came home.
And she almost started crying.
Then it was time for Ashlees birthday.
I got to meet some friends and relatives and it was a Very fun day.
On the sunday we started our vaccation up-north and the first night we spent at Don's sisters place.
She gave us a tour up there around where they grow up.
Up early the day after and we started going to our actual goal, Mackinaw city.
They are very famous for their fudge.
And the day after we took the ferry to Mackinaw Island, Very beautiful, it would be fun to go there again sometime.
After that it happend a lot of thing, I ate my first macaronies and cheese, first american pizza, first many things :)
AND I've been to my first American football game! But it wasn't as special as I thougt it would be ^^
But it was fun.
Tomorrow school starts and I'm gonna meet the counselor and pick my classes.
I have to take English and U.S history or Government. I'm gonna choose U.S history.
And the other 4 classes I want to take, not sure that I'm gonna get'em, is Creative writing, psychology, world history and spanish. And I'm gonna join the swim team!
The worst thing about that is that morning practice on mondays and fridays is around 5 a.m !
And the swim team is only until november.
I hope it's gonna be fun, we're gonna go on different competitions and stuff so that's cool.
I'm pretty freaked out about school though. Like everyone's gonna be mean to me or something.
Even though everyone says no noone's gonna mean to you and I guess they're right but still, I'm nervous about the new big school.
School starts 07.35 and ends 2.15 everyday. Except for me cause swimpractise is every day 3 to 4.30 but not on Fridays.
Anywho, it's gonna be fun I think and I'm gonna be tired all the time but I already am so :)
Good bye dear fellas!
I've been here for 2 weeks and 4 days. It's awsome.
My plane arrived in Flint 11 something p.m so we took some pictures with me, Rhea,Don and Heather in them (Ashlee was in the restroom^^)
And then we all took the car home , Yeah it was a funny ride.
We ate and talked and I went to bed around 1, 2 a.m. I was pretty tired. Don't know why though?
Friday morning and Rhea comes and wake me up, we're going to Frankenmuth!
A German town maybe an hour from here.
We ate my first american lunch, played put-put (minigolf) walked around in different stores.
I had heard that Ashlee Loves blond, blueeyed boys so of course I had to show her a picture when we came home.
And she almost started crying.
Then it was time for Ashlees birthday.
I got to meet some friends and relatives and it was a Very fun day.
On the sunday we started our vaccation up-north and the first night we spent at Don's sisters place.
She gave us a tour up there around where they grow up.
Up early the day after and we started going to our actual goal, Mackinaw city.
They are very famous for their fudge.
And the day after we took the ferry to Mackinaw Island, Very beautiful, it would be fun to go there again sometime.
After that it happend a lot of thing, I ate my first macaronies and cheese, first american pizza, first many things :)
AND I've been to my first American football game! But it wasn't as special as I thougt it would be ^^
But it was fun.
Tomorrow school starts and I'm gonna meet the counselor and pick my classes.
I have to take English and U.S history or Government. I'm gonna choose U.S history.
And the other 4 classes I want to take, not sure that I'm gonna get'em, is Creative writing, psychology, world history and spanish. And I'm gonna join the swim team!
The worst thing about that is that morning practice on mondays and fridays is around 5 a.m !
And the swim team is only until november.
I hope it's gonna be fun, we're gonna go on different competitions and stuff so that's cool.
I'm pretty freaked out about school though. Like everyone's gonna be mean to me or something.
Even though everyone says no noone's gonna mean to you and I guess they're right but still, I'm nervous about the new big school.
School starts 07.35 and ends 2.15 everyday. Except for me cause swimpractise is every day 3 to 4.30 but not on Fridays.
Anywho, it's gonna be fun I think and I'm gonna be tired all the time but I already am so :)
Good bye dear fellas!